Some stocks are seen in excess quantity in my Portfolio

Written by Updated on 18 May, 2024

Why did I get this issue?


Automatic processing of complex Corporate Actions are taken in to account in the new version of the Portfolio module. Any manual transactions added earlier by you to rectify your holdings, may now reflect as excess quantity.




How can you resolve this?


You can simply edit or delete the quantity that are in excess through following process:-


Step 1: On your Portfolio Summary page click on ‘View Details’ of the stock that you want to edit/delete


Step 2: Click on ‘All Transaction’ tab & find your manually entered transactions


Step 3: On mouse hover of that particular manual transaction you would find ‘Edit/Delete’ icons on the right hand side.


Step 4: Click on ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’ icon and confirm. The edit / delete txn will start reflecting in your holdings the next da